The 4 Worst Bladder Irritants
A normal healthy bladder should be able to hold urine for about 2-5 hours in between trips to urinate. If you are finding that to be a challenge, are leaking urine, or having bladder pain, consider decreasing the irritants you put in your body, and see the difference!
It doesn’t have to have be a sugary soda for it to be bad for you….
The CO2 gas which makes the water bubbly, also makes the water more acidic. (This is why it isn’t great for your teeth either!) The acidity then irritates your bladder can trigger that sense of urgency even when the bladder is not full.
That morning cup of coffee may be making your bladder cranky. Experiment with cutting back to see if that helps you wait longer in between trips to pee.
As a diuretic alcohol will increase your urine output, AND could make your bladder feel more URGENCY.
Artificial Sweetener
Sucralose, saccharin and aspartame. Not only are they bladder irritants, but studies have shown they may increase the risk of various types of cancer.
Some people can drink all of these and not notice any bladder symptoms, especially in moderation. However, if you are already struggling with urinary urgency, frequency, leakage or bladder pain you should consider eliminating one at a time of each of these to see the difference that can make.
Watch out for beverages that combine several irritants together- for example a Quadruple Wammy like Diet Coke and Rum. This yummy little bevie has ALL FOUR bladder irritants- artificial sweetener, carbonation, caffeine and alcohol. At least you will know why you are taking so many trips to the bathroom to pee! :)