

The pelvic floor is an integral part of our bodies which aides in core stability, birth, bowel, bladder and sexual function-  yet why do we know so little about it? It is one of the last frontiers of the body, especially when it comes to public and common knowledge. Many women (and men) will have some level of pelvic dysfunction within their lifetimes, yet very few will ask their doctors for help and seek effective treatment. The Kegel.com aims to elucidate the confusion about this essential part of our bodies and empower women (and all gender-identities) to be more proactive with their health of that nether region. This is the home of the T.M.I. (too much information), and we hope to decrease embarrassment, increase confidence, and disseminate evidence-based information in an approachable style to all. There are no stupid questions, curiosity encouraged!


Choosing inspiration over competition for a stronger community and a healthier way to do business.

Eos at iriure inimicus, affert decore prodesset duo id, nam amet regione scaevola ex. An vel eius dicat. Doctus temporibus his in, posse option oportere ad eum. Sale virtute temporibus ut nec, dicant nusquam ne mel. Vis sumo latine detraxit te, ne erat bonorum admodum nam. His cu amet case possit, in usu facer liber altera. Et quas vituperata nec. Sea te eleifend iracundia liberavisse, te vel elit lorem ludus.


Unified by a love for the Earth and the people who live in it.

Eu alia civibus imperdiet eos. Id eos blandit apeirian interpretaris. Quas consulatu pri ex. Iudico prompta ne vix, usu ne vero persius quaerendum, et ius autem sanctus. Ius no libris constituto, soleat praesent nec ex. Movet alterum ullamcorper sit ei, ne sit appetere forensibus, eam at facilisi inimicus.


Connecting through cohabitation and shared experience.

Eu alia civibus imperdiet eos. Id eos blandit apeirian interpretaris. Quas consulatu pri ex. Iudico prompta ne vix, usu ne vero persius quaerendum, et ius autem sanctus. Ius no libris constituto, soleat praesent nec ex. Movet alterum ullamcorper sit ei, ne sit appetere forensibus, eam at facilisi inimicus.
